Genesis Twenty


Father God, we come before You today to pray for leaders and government officials whom You have placed in authority over us. We pray that they would set themselves apart to do Your will. May they be people of honor among whom we can live peaceful lives without fear.

Lord Jesus, help us to see that we all have a sphere of influence whether we are leading at home or outside our homes. Lead us by Your example as we lead people whom You have placed in our care. May we look to serve rather than be served. Remind us that when we dishonor our fellow image-bearers, we dishonor You. 

Remind us again, Lord, that You will demand an account from our lives when we use our position as leaders to exploit the weak and vulnerable among us. Open our eyes to see that you promote us to places of authority to do Your will, not ours. Keep us from abusing authority, especially the authority that comes with Your name. Keep us from using it to abuse anyone, especially those who look up to us and You. 

Holy Spirit, keep us from sinning against You knowingly and unknowingly. Use any means possible to warn us and redirect our lives. Help us to live with true humility and vulnerability so that people who clearly see sin in us are not afraid to correct us when You prompt them. May our humility and vulnerability keep others from compromising themselves. 

We pray that we would take Your warning against sin in our lives seriously. Keep us from hesitating and help us to act on Your warnings quickly. Take away our pride and replace it with remorse and repentance for our sin. May we be humble enough to ask those who speak for You to point out the sin they see in us. 

Father God, may there never be any question in our lives about Whom we worship. May we worship You so freely and openly that it points those who do not know You to Jesus. Keep us from withholding forgiveness from those who have wronged us. Help us to bless them freely and abundantly. All our blessings are from You and You bless us to bless others.

Father, Son, and Spirit, may we never live our lives in such a way that we are perceived as God-less. Above all, may there never be any question that we live our lives in reverence for You and You alone!    

About the author

Roshni Di Stefano

Roshni was born in Mumbai, came of age in Montreal, and now lives in Youngstown, Ohio. She works as a physical therapist and likes to write. She also enjoys sipping masala chai or gin and tonic on the porch while trying not to drool excessively over her Canadian-Italian-American husband. In her spare time, she herds two kids.

This blog space is a place for her to gather her thoughts and more importantly her prayers to the King of kings. She can be found on Instagram at