Genesis Forty-seven


Lord Jesus, Your obedience and submission to the will of our Father paved the path for many to be brought to safety from sin. Help us to live by following Your example, so that our obedience to Your word yields the same results. Help us to never give up no matter how long or arduous the journey ahead of us might be.

Father God, set us apart for Your purposes, even if they come to pass in our old age.  Regardless of our age, help us to never lose sight of Your call on our life. Keep us living for your kingdom no matter where we find ourselves. Remind us that Your primary purpose for our life is to make us holy as You are holy. 

Holy Spirit, draw us closer to You. Help us to make good choices and pick places of purpose for us to be fruitful and multiply both physically and spiritually. Make up for the lack in our life because we can’t always see the full picture when we make decisions. You know all things, so guide and direct our steps in the way in which we should go.

Lord Jesus, help us to be men and women of valor who can be trusted with responsibility and authority. Lead us so we can lead others well when we are in positions of responsibility, big or small.  You lead by serving, save us by Your grace, and bless us with Your presence. Help us to imitate Your example. 

Father God, help us to lead those in our charge, especially our families, in a way that keeps the next generation in mind. Give us the ability to adequately and abundantly provide for our children and our children’s children. May we see that this provision is not just material, but also spiritual and emotional. 

Holy Spirit, we know that there is no such thing as a promised tomorrow. Keep us from waiting until tomorrow to do what You are calling us to do today. We rarely pay attention to the fact that our life on earth is a sum total of years made up of the sum total of days. Remind us that how we spend our days is how we spend our life. 

Father, Son, and Spirit, make us good stewards of whatever You place in our hearts and our hands to do. So often, we take years of abundance and freedom for granted. Give us Your wisdom on how to spend time, talent, and treasures that are ultimately Yours. Keep us from getting into dismal, desolate places in our life with regards to these things.  May all our dependency for all things physical and spiritual be on You alone. -Amen! 

About the author

Roshni Di Stefano

Roshni was born in Mumbai, came of age in Montreal, and now lives in Youngstown, Ohio. She works as a physical therapist and likes to write. She also enjoys sipping masala chai or gin and tonic on the porch while trying not to drool excessively over her Canadian-Italian-American husband. In her spare time, she herds two kids.

This blog space is a place for her to gather her thoughts and more importantly her prayers to the King of kings. She can be found on Instagram at