Father God, we thank You for the covering that You give us when we freely and fully receive our parents’ blessing. Remind us to reach out, call on our children, and bless them not only at specific moments but often. Show us how to pass on generational blessings that we have benefited from ourselves. Direct us as we direct them in the way that they should go.
Holy Spirit, regardless of misunderstanding and brokenness within us, You are the One who opens our eyes to see truth. Show us how to be parents who plainly point out the perils of society we all find ourselves in. Help us to prophesy over our children as You speak to us, but also speak loudly and clearly to them Yourself.
Lord Jesus, we thank You for the example of Jacob’s obedience in this chapter and how clearly it points to Your ultimate obedience to leave heaven for us. Remove the stubbornness of disobedience from our hearts especially after we know the right thing that needs to be done. Keep us from replacing Your flawless word that has been purified like silver and gold and replacing it with something counterfeit.
Father God, we thank You for showing us that sometimes we need to be alone with You and away from all other voices in our life for You to reveal Yourself to us. Help us to regularly make time for You away from the noise and distractions that surround us. Speak to us in dreams and visions that we have not yet experienced so that we can catch a glimpse of how glorious You truly are.
Lord Jesus, we thank You for being the ultimate ladder and bridging the gap for us between heaven and earth. We rejoice in Your obedience to willingly lay down Your life. It tore the curtain of separation between our heavenly Father and us. We can come boldly before His throne of grace to offer all that we are and all that we have before Him.
Thank You, Lord, for being the Chief Cornerstone of the House of God. We can rest in You because we are no longer strangers, but members in this household. You are putting us all together as living stones to become a holy temple in which the Holy Spirit lives. May Your house be a house of prayer for all nations where we can be united with You and each other. Keep us from turning it into a den of thieves.
Holy Spirit, we rejoice in Jesus’ promise to us that You will never leave us or forsake us. Go with us and protect us. Stay closer than our next breath so that we can hear as You lead and direct our next steps. We know You will fulfill every promise in Jesus that You have for us. You have started a good work in us and You will be faithful to complete it.
Father, Son, and Spirit, help us to confidently follow You where we have never gone before. You often lead us into the unknown. May we testify to Your faithful presence by holding nothing back from You. Take our past, present, and future and do whatever You want with it. For Your kingdom, for Your glory, and for our good. Amen!