Genesis One


Father God, we thank You for reminding us that You were in the beginning. Help us to remember You first no matter what we set our hearts and minds to do. The heavens declare your glory and the skies proclaim the work of Your hands. May we do the same and choose to worship You and You alone. 

Created in Your image and likeness, You have made us image-bearers and given us dominion over all the plants and creatures of the earth. Help us to remember that this dominion does not extend to our fellow image-bearers. May we remember that every human being we encounter is an image-bearer, made in Your image and likeness, and may we see them in the light of your goodness. 

Lord Jesus, in you is Life, and that Life is the Light of men. Your light shines in the darkness. There is no darkness in You. Remind us that when You declared, “Let there be Light,” You put one of your greatest attributes on display as a reminder that light overcomes darkness. May we first see You clearly in the majesty of You are and then see ourselves clearly in light of who You are. May we only find our identity in who You say we are. 

We pray that we would also see Your fingerprints in all of creation as You hold it together by the power of Your Word. As You keep us from making idols of Your creation, keep us also from taking it for granted. Remind us that creation groans in labor, waiting for the sons and daughters of God to be revealed. Joyful expectancy of what has already come and is yet to come grows within creation and we would no more desecrate it than we would desecrate a pregnant mother. 

Holy Spirit, hover over the chaos of our lives and bring order as we invite You in to breathe Your breath of life in us and change us. Help us to discern light from darkness, love from fear, and life from death. May we see the beauty of Your design not only in all of creation, but also in ourselves and in all the image bearers around us. Most of all, may we see Your resurrection beauty in all new creations in Christ! 

Remind us that Your design is best and that You make no mistakes. Forgive us for railing against Your work in our lives and implying that You don’t know what You’re doing. Forgive us for trying to undo what You have ordained in Your infinite wisdom to be true and good.

Father, Son, and Spirit, may we find all our deepest satisfaction, body, soul, and spirit, in You and You alone! 

About the author

Roshni Di Stefano

Roshni was born in Mumbai, came of age in Montreal, and now lives in Youngstown, Ohio. She works as a physical therapist and likes to write. She also enjoys sipping masala chai or gin and tonic on the porch while trying not to drool excessively over her Canadian-Italian-American husband. In her spare time, she herds two kids.

This blog space is a place for her to gather her thoughts and more importantly her prayers to the King of kings. She can be found on Instagram at