Lord Jesus, we see the story of Your suffering being foretold in the story of Joseph’s life. You suffered false accusation for the sins of the world, yet You will return to judge the whole world. Help us to also clearly see two aspects of judgment hidden in this story. We will either be restored or there will be a recompense to pay. May we choose restoration graciously offered through faith in Your work alone.
Holy Spirit, unfold Your word before our eyes to bring clarity and revelation on how we should live. It is Your privilege to conceal things, but the privilege of kings to search it out. May we truly live as a kingdom of priests as we dig deep in Your word to understand Your will and Your ways.
Keep us sensitive to You, Holy Spirit, so that we can remain sensitive to what people around us are experiencing. You know all things; teach us to walk in step with You and rely on You in all our daily interactions. May we long for Your comfort as well as Your conviction because they both lead us to the path of eternal life.
Father God, when injustice around us multiplies, remind us that it is a place where You show Yourself strong on our behalf. Help us to trust You and be patient even when we have been forgotten. Make us long for restoration and cry out for justice even as we wait. Your mercy, grace, and love are setting all things right as they should be.
Lord Jesus, may service be the all-encompassing theme of our life regardless of position. There are no limitations to how, when, or where You use our gifts as we remain faithful to You. Nothing stops or hinders You from fulfilling the calling on our life. Help us to keep our eyes locked on You as we intentionally move towards You regardless of what is moving against us.
Father, Son, and Spirit, You are good even in the labor pains of waiting, when what You have promised has yet to be birthed. Help us to trust, stand, and rest in You as You put all the pieces of the puzzle together. May we wrestle in prayer and contend for what You have promised even when its fulfillment is nowhere in sight. You are faithful and that is enough!