Father God, we thank You for making it so clear to us that when we intentionally choose to live close to sin to prosper our own plans and purposes, we take a risk. Help us to see that Your plans and Your purposes are perfect and that there is no good prosperity, unless it comes from Your hands and from being allied with You.
Holy Spirit, show us long term consequences of short term decisions we make without Your wisdom. Clearly highlight for us the deadly risks of being caught up in wars that we are not trained or equipped to fight. Show us that we risk becoming prisoners to even more evil than we had originally bargained to tolerate and of risking the lives of all in our household who are doomed to suffer the consequences of our choices.
Lord Jesus, teach us to use the time of peace to train and be discipled in the disciplines of following close after You. Teach us to do the same with those who are part of our households and our communities. May the alliances we choose here on earth be with those who value what You value. May they benefit and be blessed from the overflow of our ultimate allegiance to You.
We know, Lord Jesus, that we cannot go into enemy territory alone, but we also now know that a few people trained well in Your household can route multiple armies with Your help. Remind us that You have already won our battles and that we fight from a place of being victorious.
Help us, Lord Jesus, to not miss the fact that Abram left a place of security and abundance to rescue one soul and his household. It would have been so much easier for him to not be involved at all. You also left the abundance and security of heaven to rescue us from hell and slavery to sin. May we be willing to do the same for others even when it is not convenient, even when the hell they live in is one of their own choosing.
Father God, we thank You for placing Melchizedek, priest of the Most High God and king of righteousness and peace, right in the middle of this story. Surrounded by earthly kings, Abram was not confused about whom he was called to honor after victory. May we do the same and not be confused when we find ourselves surrounded by all sorts of earthly ‘kings.’ May we worship and honor Jesus alone, our Eternal High Priest and King of all righteousness and peace.
Holy Spirit, help us to not miss the fact that a certain grace had been extended to the King of Sodom with Abram’s victory. May we also not miss the fact that he was willing to pay a high price to gain the souls of the people who had been rescued by Abram. May we be wise enough to see that the enemy of our souls is always ready and willing to pay a high price for our souls as well. May we never associate or ally ourselves with even a single thread or thought that comes from him regardless of the earthly gains that come with it.
Father, Son, and Spirit, may we live in such close alliance with You that when we lift our hands in worship and allegiance, it would be to You and You alone!