Father God, we thank You for Your providence and Your provision that help us bring forth good in our lives. Every good and perfect gift comes from You, Father of lights. There is no variation or vacillation in You. Incline our hearts to bring You the best of all that we offer You, knowing that everything we have ultimately comes from Your hands.
Holy Spirit, when You convict us of our sin and wrongdoing, keep us from becoming defensive or gloating in our sin instead. Help us to be quick to repent, to be reconciled, and to restore relationships before we come forward with any offering. May the difference between conviction and condemnation be abundantly clear to us. Remind us that You convict, but the enemy condemns.
Keep us from jealousy, hatred, and anger against one another. Help us to be jealous for Your name, worshiping no other gods and help us to reserve our hatred and anger for any sin within us that is waiting to destroy us.
Lord Jesus, we thank You that Your blood speaks a much better word than that of Abel. Remind us that while the blood of Abel cried out for vengeance, Your blood speaks undeserved grace over our lives. It covers all our sins once and for all. We are now overcomers in this world because of Your blood and our words which tell of all that You have accomplished for us.
Open wide our spiritual eyes to see the difference between justice, mercy, and vengeance. Remind us that Your word tells us to act justly and love mercy, but that vengeance ultimately belongs to You and that one day, You will make all things right. While the world may call for vengeance and punishment seventy-seven times, You call us to forgive seventy times seven.
Holy Spirit, reproduce the love of Jesus in our hearts as You help us to heal and move forward from the broken places in our lives. Keep us from building walls, strongholds, and fortifications around our lives, when You instruct us to hold things loosely in our hands and rely on Your protection instead. Rebuild places of trust in us as You redeem and restore what we have lost either because of our own sin or that of others.
Remind us, Father God, that we cannot please You without faith and that when we come to You, we must come believing that You are. Above all things offered to You, You never reject a broken and repentant heart. Show us how to bring sacrifices of praise and thanksgiving as we call on Your name. May we always be a part of the remnant who have been set aside for Your kingdom and Your glory, regardless of where we end up in Your eternal story!