Father God, remind us that You are not mocked; what we sow, we will reap. Help us to see that even though our sin is under Jesus’ blood, You want us to be spiritually whole and healthy through confession and reconciliation. Give us a heart of repentance before we are harshly corrected by the inevitable consequences of our sin.
Holy Spirit, help us to be sensitive to Your still small voice when You convict us of wrongdoing. Unless we see and understand our sinfulness, we cannot mature spiritually. Help us to see that there are some things that we need to remember and repent of, so that we do not spiritually starve ourselves.
Lord Jesus, You bring us into a right relationship with our Father. When we are in a right relationship with Him like You are, our life blesses those around us just like Your life did and still does. Remind us that when we are not right with the Father, we and the people around us suffer.
You stand at the door of our hearts and knock asking to come in. Open our ears to not only hear You, but to respond quickly and in a way that honors You. Keep us from just being hearers of the word; make us doers of the word instead.
Holy Spirit, help us to see that we cannot live a lifetime of lies and not expect it to eventually catch up to us. We know that if we lie to ourselves enough, we often start to believe our own lies. Give us opportunities to make things right with people even if it’s painful. You often use painful experiences to help us see our true spiritual condition and give us an opportunity to change.
Father God, You do not forget Your word to us. The abundance of promises found in Your word nourish every aspect of our life. Open our eyes to see the provision You have made for us. Keep us from spiritually starving ourselves when we could be feasting on Your word. May we humble ourselves and eat from Your bounty of truth rather than humiliate ourselves by begging at tables that will never satisfy.
Father, Son, and Spirit, give us a sensitivity to sin in our life. Help us to see that forgiveness is not something we pay for. May we live in awe and wonder of the miracle of forgiveness. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. May we produce fruit in keeping with repentance, rather than take Your grace for granted.