Father God, help us to truly believe that You bring the best outcome for our life in the fullness of time. You can do more in a single moment than we can accomplish in years of striving in our own strength. Help us to wait on You as You renew our strength.
Lord Jesus, You are the best example of patient service for thirty years while waiting to start Your ministry. Help us to submit to Your hand and remember that You are refining us as we wait. Break us, mold us, and change us as You see fit so that we can be used most effectively in Your kingdom.
Holy Spirit, the timeframe and the circumstances of our waiting always seem to be worse than what we imagine. What seems like it might take forever can be turned around so quickly by You. Transform our spirit and change us to look more like Jesus on the inside, even if it looks like we’re wasting away on the outside.
Lord Jesus, You promised us that You would never leave us or forsake us no matter where we are. We are never alone because You are a very present help to us in any trouble. Sustain us and help us to overcome everything that seems to be insurmountable in the moment. Give us a mature faith to believe that You are who You said You are and that You do what You said You will do.
Father God, keep us on our face before You to seek out Your purposes and reveal them to us at the right time. Transform us to be effective for You in Your time, not ours. Help us to see that there is responsibility and accountability when You give us a revelation; it should point to You alone.
Lord Jesus, forgive us for our pride and remind us that it hinders Your work in us. Open our eyes to see that one way or another, we have something to learn from everyone. Help us to see that Your insight makes us patient and it is virtuous to overlook an offence. No matter how hard things might be for us, help us to live with integrity.
Father God, You are the God of abundance and our provider. Teach us how to manage abundance; may we never take years of provision for granted in the physical and the spiritual. Give us Your wisdom on how to steward Your provision and abundance so that we can bless others.
Holy Spirit, live in us. Be the source of all our wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. May those who don’t know You declare that You are alive and still speaking when they see You move through us. Keep us from becoming double-minded when the circumstances around us change, either in our favor or otherwise.
Father, Son, and Spirit, help us all to see that You are the only refuge and help for the entire world. Teach us contentment in all circumstances even when we find ourselves separated from those closest to our hearts. Make us fruitful in the land of our sojourning and may it be for Your kingdom and Your glory alone.