Holy Spirit, we come before You today to ask You for healing from blindness, both physical and spiritual. Give us Your vision so that we have a better perspective of what You are accomplishing in and through our life and that of those around us. Connect us with people who walk according to what You reveal to them. May we be humble enough to, recognize them, acknowledge them and ask for guidance when we need it.
Father God, we ask for healing in the broken places of our lives especially within our families. Keep us from being oblivious to the calling that You have already placed on all of us, especially on our children. May we come to You first and seek Your will in all that we do as we raise them. Teach us how to speak words of life and wisdom over them. Keep us from favoring one over the other because of what we feel we can gain from them.
Lord Jesus, we thank You for taking on humanity so completely that You now identify with us as Your brethren. Help us to get a glimpse of Your sacrifice for us in the sacrifice of the goats and the covering they provided for Jacob. Remind us that because of Your sacrifice and covering, our Father now sees us in the light of who You are. You took on the curse of sin for us and defeated death.
Father God, we thank You for every blessing we have because of our Lord Jesus. Keep us from forgetting over and over again that we are co-heirs with Christ. Help us to not take Your blessings for granted; it was purchased for us by Jesus’ obedience and paid for with His precious blood. May we live fully and freely because of it.
Holy Spirit, help us to be intentional with our lives. May we do everything with such purpose that we see Your will being fulfilled in us. Bless our timing and keep us from missing out on what You are doing. May we be honest enough to confess that sometimes the tragedies we face are consequences of our flippancy with sin.
Lord Jesus, if we have been wronged, give us grace to forgive like You did. Help us to pray for those who have intentionally or unintentionally hurt us. Keep seeds of hatred and bitterness away from us because once rooted, they go deep and defile us.
Help us, Lord, to also ask for forgiveness even if our best intentions are misinterpreted. Remind us that we sometimes find ourselves in exile for the preservation of our own life and generations yet to come. Help us to flourish there with the dew of heaven and the richness of the earth.
Father, Son, and Spirit, keep us from the folly of wanting to interpret Your word according to our own faulty morality. May we be humble enough to let Your word interpret itself. Protect and guard our hearts and minds from influencers who are not truly or fully influenced by You. One day You will illuminate everything and we will know all things as we are known. In the meanwhile, keep us from deceiving others and being deceived by our own blindness!